
wednesday so far...
Today was most definitely an ORB day... I spent pretty much all my studio time working on this one, and it's coming along! It even has brussel sprouts and pickles in it, SWEET!

The poppies have progressed as well...

Two works in progress I haven't even touched yet since my arrival...

The one in front is a lady on a wood panel, 24"x24". I am using graphite, acrylic and colour pencils on it, everything is light so the grain shows through and I am planning on leaving it pretty bare. The one behind is a 36"x36" acrylic painting.

Oh, and at lunch today I had a coconut-curry-chicken soup at the Regent Café next door, and I just have to tell the world (well, the five people reading my blog) that it was amazing. I want a barrel of it.
