Artist statement

I have always seen humans, including myself, as delusional and self-minded creatures part of an overwhelmingly big, but precious world. I make art in an attempt to understand this world, to explore different perspectives of it and to make sense of my mixed feelings toward it and toward art in general.

The plants, insects and people I use in my paintings and drawings each take on different roles and personalities and are part of a narrative brought forth by their interactions and their proximity. Sometimes the atmosphere is quiet and serene; sometimes it feels tense and dangerous... but what is present in every piece is a struggle, a silent battle for control. Be it between the creatures themselves or between the beautiful and the ugly, the man-made and the organic.

I work in a meticulous manner to demonstrate the intensity of nature, and its slow and steady way of expanding against all odds. I consciously use decorative painting techniques and subject matter as well as an illustrative style to comment the pompous and elitist art world I am faced with as an emerging artist.